Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Cruise Day! Jam of the Day

So While I was at the gym this morning eating barbells and spitting out discarded tuna cans at all the meatier heads I had to pause. Wait...Is this Don Henley "Boys of Summer" on my Pandora right now? Yes. Yes it is ol Donny. If this song doesn't slap you across the face with nostalgia your just a lost cause. I mean listen to it! I’m already plotting to trade in the Zephyr for an 87 T-Bird with T tops and a phoenix on the hood. I will blast this song rolling down the PCH while my blonde Don Johnson hair whips in the breeze atop my neon green body glove visor. My tank top will be so loose it will be listed as a road hazard in the 2012 DMV handbook. My Jimmy Z shorts laced with beach cruising station wagons will cling snugly to my groin as my matching neon green aqua socks hammer the gas pedal. Ya bro. Just me, Don Henley, the PCH, and my T bird. I'm starting this mid life crisis about ten years to soon. Ive already ran this tune back 4 times today and need a volleyball montage stat!


  1. Man. This is s vivid my eyes are burning. Keep it comin'. Maybe change out of the neon by today though. The tears, the tears. Thanks for the look back....

  2. In my mind Im already gone. Just neon everywhere.

  3. And you just don't stop, do you?

  4. Whaddya mean Dubb? Throwin me curve balls.

  5. I mean your keyboard is hay and you're rumpelstiltskin. Complimenting your blog.

  6. Well played brother. Well played indeed.


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