Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My public beckons me...I can't let you down

I don't even really have much to talk about today but 1/3 of the "Hella Tightness" is really yearning some Deej blog in her life. I will do my best to accommodate Ginger 1.

Topic 1. Boom box phone

I guess Ill talk about the best discovery to ever happen to a hip hop conisouer since the Magnavox boom box that weighed 75lbs and ate cassette tapes for breakfast. That invention is my phone that doubles as a new school boom box. It definitely doesn’t announce its presence with as much authority as the old school boom box but it definitely does crush its enemies i.e. I phone and well that's about it (enemy). Droids! Droids are sick. Sprint I’m going to need you to send me a paycheck or a bill reduction or some form of compensation for going to bat for the Samsung boom box phone.

Topic 2. Drawer sniffing roomie

FML. Do I really need a roommate in my 1 bdr apartment? I mean it's already set up to accommodate a roommate since I’m weird and my bed is in my living room because I need to be near my TV at all times (even if it's not on). I also feel secluded from the world in my back bedroom too and I can't have that it's way too risky. So with that said I basically have a 1 bedroom that serves as a giant laundry room/closet. Wtf do I do with this? Rent it out duuuuh? Ya I can’t sit here and act like I’m not going to get some slob/underwear sniffing/finger in the peanut butter/living room deucing creep but life is a crap shoot and you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. So it's still up in the air since the only replies to anyone interested in living with an a hole that sleeps in his living room are Russians named Olga or Nigerians replying to my "advert". No man I don't want to cash your Western Union check mail you back the difference and have your friend pick up my futon and you offer me $500 more than I was even asking. Nothing weird about that.

Topic 3. Really L.A. Rain?

The last few days have been filled with frolicy sunshine and far less irie (eerie?) apocalyptic type weather. I’m pretty sure the trumpet is going to sound and the 4 horsemen are coming any second. This is really lame. I can't even make a clear decision on if I want to go to seven eleven or not because I don't want to walk and driving is out because I have the good spot in front of my building so I probably won't leave for months. Eff off rain. I don't need you in my life nor do I want you. I’m already a wounded fawn strutting through this city on my bambi legs the last thing I need is Thor piss ruining my day. Nice hand held hammer bro. Why don’t you take your mini mallet and your stupid lightning bolts and SCRAM!



    Your bed is in the kitchen/ dining room! And you forgot to mention that your roommate will undoubtedly steal your treasures. See: eagle trinket from your aunt.

  2. Actually it's wings with a rosarie trinket and it's sick. Also have a backward head leopard as well. Can you please create an account so we know who this mystery person is and doesnt read:

    adf87aaa-386a-11e0-b788-000bcdca4d7a said...

    That's not an identity.


Speak your drivel!