Really? Valentines Day? Who's idea was this? what if you don't have a date? Or you just got dumped? Or you are a sexual? What then huh? Not everyone can participate in this day. I find it to be very offensive and it's effing up my whole Monday which i already can't stand. Maybe because love is in the air is why the 10 yr treasury bond is coming back down with interest rates following it. I just wish I had someone to talk to about it that owned a home. Digressing. Valentines...pffffffft! I got a great idea...Let's all go out a blow a ton of money on heart shaped boxes of chocolate and flowers for someone that will barely eve appreciate the gesture. Let's blow hundreds of dollars on hotel rooms and fancy dinners just to end up fighting over something so meaningless the next Monday. But hey it's the big day so let's sweep all our problems under the rug for today. And if your really lucky you have one that can't even do that. Eff Valentines. Hey cupid...Arent you like 2,000 years old by now? What do you have Webster or something? Loser. Get your quiver of poison love darts out of my face before I take this size 10 and shove it in your diaper dead beat.
I heard that. Valentine's day just isn't what it used to be. You could always just bump some Too $hort if you want to get over things faster...