For anyone that know my dad knows he is pretty much Robocop, Chuck Norris, and Van Damm sprinkled with Joel Osteen. Ok doused in Joel Osteen. He is the epitome of what a man should be. Hard working, family man, served his country you name it. I didn’t really have a relationship with him until I was around 18 or 19 but he's always had an influence on me. He's made some mistakes in his life but we all have and I respect him for the man he is to this day. We have shared some good times over the last 12 years also. We've rafted the American River, lifted weight (he more ate them), shot each other with paint balls, worked together and shared a few wrestling matches. He is a good guy with a huge heart. We do butt heads often however. I claim Christianity as a religion because I feel it's important to stand for something and have a moral foundation. He claims it as a religion and is intense about it.
I recently posted a clip of Charlie Sheen being hilarious. Just a cooking video that is my type of humor. I don't condone Chaz's lifestyle or what he represents but it's not my place to judge either. I just laugh at good humor. I see him kind of like the court jester, there for the Kings amusement wearing a pointy hat and dancing around being silly. That's where it ends. My dad however reads more into it and I feel like my character is being judged for posting such a video. To him Charlie Sheen is the antithesis of a Christian and should be condemned to hell. To me I see him as a funny guy that is exploiting society for taking everything so literal and imposing themselves in his lifestyle. I agree with Charlie. If he wants to be a sideshow circus and amuse the public that's his choice. If it works don't fix it. I'm not going to go out and move 3 porn stars into my house (not that I could if I wanted to) but it's just something I wouldn't do. The line is drawn at humor then I go on with my everyday life. Apparently I am praising and encouraging this behavior by posting such a video on facebook. My thought is "this is some funny stuff and if you don't appreciate it you don't have a sense of humor". Not pops. We differ on opinions here.

I recently posted a clip of Charlie Sheen being hilarious. Just a cooking video that is my type of humor. I don't condone Chaz's lifestyle or what he represents but it's not my place to judge either. I just laugh at good humor. I see him kind of like the court jester, there for the Kings amusement wearing a pointy hat and dancing around being silly. That's where it ends. My dad however reads more into it and I feel like my character is being judged for posting such a video. To him Charlie Sheen is the antithesis of a Christian and should be condemned to hell. To me I see him as a funny guy that is exploiting society for taking everything so literal and imposing themselves in his lifestyle. I agree with Charlie. If he wants to be a sideshow circus and amuse the public that's his choice. If it works don't fix it. I'm not going to go out and move 3 porn stars into my house (not that I could if I wanted to) but it's just something I wouldn't do. The line is drawn at humor then I go on with my everyday life. Apparently I am praising and encouraging this behavior by posting such a video on facebook. My thought is "this is some funny stuff and if you don't appreciate it you don't have a sense of humor". Not pops. We differ on opinions here.

I said before I claim Christianity. There is an old Mormon phrase where if you’re a bad Mormon you’re a "Jack Mormon". Maybe I'm a "jack Christian". I don't know. I do know there are answers in this world that can't be answered and the wisest man knows he's ignorant. I claim ignorance. I'm not ashamed to. I'm 30 years old and I'm still figuring it out. I don't think I would have it figured out in 1,000 years and I don't think anybody can until they see that white light or confront Saint Peter at the pearly gates. My question that I still don't have an answer to is this. So god forgives us for our sins correct? All sins are equal in his eyes correct? Apparently to get into heaven you have to accept god and all his glory to be admitted. Well I’ve done short of my best but a descent job of being a descent human for the last 30 years. Am I going to be shut down for a guy that has killed or raped somebody? If I'm in line for heaven and it comes down to a killer and me is St. Pete going to be like "your good killer, descent guy that never figured it out you’re out".
For some people it takes a traumatic even for them to "find god". Other's like my best friend Corey found him through song when he was 11 years old. I think it's the real deal for Dubb. He just went out and something changed his life. Others I'm not so sure of. How can you say one religion is fact and another is b.s. without reading the Bible and the Koran? Everyone has a perspective. Who's to say who's right? Philosophers have been asking this for years and there is no solid evidence. It's all based on faith. I'm down with faith. It's when we start talking about facts I have a problem with. Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead. That's a belief. If that's 100% true than the burnt toast I had with the Virgin Mary burnt into it is a fact to. That did not happen to me but you get my point. Bottom line I feel things can't be taken so literal and just taken for what they are. The bible to me is a reference guide on how to be a descent human. If I'm wrong then I'm riding your coat tail through the gates pops. I’m going to flash my Dave Senior Id at the gate like a police officer flashes his badge to fellow officer's when he gets pulled over wasted by another cop like- "Hey St. Pete. It's cool. I'm with that guy (Dave Sr.). The guy over there benching 8,000lbs in earth weight".
Love you pops! I know where your heart is.
Marinated in Joel Osteen. Good post dude. Your pops is older and has a different perspective. No biggie. But it's good that you wouldn't have three pornstars living with you, because one can be enough trouble. We all saw how that worked out for my buddy Mike.
ReplyDeleteYou are so confused I am confused by this blog. Who is Charley? Never mind I don't want to know. Religion? I do not have religion I have a relationship with Jesus. If you do not believe in his res-erection(which there is more proof of this than The existence of Alexander the Great but you probably don't believe in hem either)then your in deep shit...(Did I say that? God forgive me. Dammit I am still a sinner). I mean Christianity is all based on this fact. Try to Google it.
These days are short and all of the signs are here. Read Mathew 24 for amusement and count your days because they are short.
Your a good man and I am a bad one that got changed. No denying.
Proof in that. I am his greatest miracle and my life is proof of his existence.
Love you Son...
Who am I kidding I'd let a porn star live with me. Who am I to say no. Mike?
ReplyDeleteGood talk dad.
ReplyDeleteYa Mike. From the pornstar video? That dude's name was Mike. Didn't work out well for him either. Just so we're clear, when I see the title of this post, I think Cartman and can't get it out of my head. 'You're really bustin my balls'. Bwahahahahahhaha!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww geeez man ur really breakin my balls here man...Hahahaha yep.