Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is what I've become: A freaking cyber geek...Cooooool life! Grandma don't read this.

Don't mind me I'll just be over here playing World of War craft and dating supermodels on the Internet. Yep just sitting around looking all pasty, acne everywhere, out of shape, twinky wrapper's surrounding me. Really fucking coooool self. I'm seriously getting cabin fever here. I've been waiting to start this new job for like 2 weeks now. But I don't have a whole lot to do while I'm waiting. I know like three people in L.A. two of the three have regular day jobs or are doing something all day i have no idea. Zac I see daily which keeps me from putting foil up on my windows and boarding up my doors because I know the C.I.A is spying on me. I've gone to the gym everyday but that only eats up like an hour to an hour and a half of my day. The rest of the time is spent lurking and creeping on facebook, surfing craigslist for hidden treasures, blogging like I just got back from a star trek convention and Captain Kirk grazed my dick and I had to tell all my cyber pals about it over and over again. I'm running out of options here. I start on Monday so that might keep the IRS headquarters in tact for a few more days, otherwise I'm hopping in the first crop duster I can get my hands on and making like Eddie Murphy in the movie "Life". "Going to the upper rooooom"!

Can someone give me some ideas of what I should do with myself on a rainy day? Maybe I'm doing everything I can do at the moment? I almost miss having a girlfriend right now. At least I would have someone to yell at me letting me know I suck vs. just wondering "am I sucking right now"?

It's all good I've been in numerous funks in my day. Luckily I have this Saturday to look forward to. Little birthday party for a friend which should prove most entertaining. It just happens to be at one of my favorite spots here in town "La Descarga". Live Latin salsa/samba music with sexy ass Latinas shaking their salt shakers all over. Until then though I'll be here shacked up in my cave plotting world domination and honing my WOW skills saying shit like this:

Clothadin -

Term that can be used to refer to a Paladin who wears cloth armor for better healing stats, or a Paladin who specializes in healing. Paladins who wear cloth are often seen as someone who picked the wrong class, however, this is a byproduct of poor plate itemization.

This is me:


  1. Welp. If you want to know what I think, you should stay between jobs because you are on a blogging blitzkreig. It kinda helps with my day, hearing about your day.

  2. Hahaha. No shit man. Like I can't find enough shit in my day to occupy it now. Blog steroids. Bar stool needs to give me a job. I'm going back to the gym for round 2. The good news is Im getting in pretty good shape. Just straight D-90X. Consistent finger clacking and 2 a days. Dominance.

  3. Bro I got hella weak at the upper room, but it pretty much stands on its own. Besides, I'm busy eating my cone bred. Hell naw you can't have my cone bred! Try to take my cone bred there's gon' be consequences and repercussions!

  4. hahaha, im having a ball, man, a fucking ball trying to visualize what you had to type in to find a pic of a nerdy ginger drooling on a keyboard. got me. got me good.

  5. Hahaha. I think I typed in computer geek. I love how that's what you see reading that. Always reading between the lines hahaha. Natalie is mine.

  6. Still waters run deep. And Peter is waffling on our Scrabble game because there's no way he's gonna win it. Ya, I just called you out on neutral and disinterested ground.

  7. Scrabbing it out. Nice. Nothing nerdy about that. Let me know when you guys are ready for a WOW sesh.


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