Thursday, April 28, 2011

Geust of the week: Patrick (Joe) Bowles

Crash! Bam! Boom! Splat! That's the sound of the Bowles plane landing at Burbank yesterday. Some of you may know Bowles as a crafty businessmen slanging fake ID's and throwing raging parties at Club Fordham,which you would not be admitted into without first coughing up the $5 cover, or you may know the adult entrepreneur wheeling and dealing investments and real estate Bowles. Just a true blue hustler through and through.

This should prove to be an interesting weekend as most do when Bowles is in town. What kind of shenanigans we will get into is yet to be seen. Chances are the arrests will be to a minimum as well as the debauchery as he is on the wagon like a good jew boy but domination will not escape the vice grip which Pat puts everything into that crosses his path.

More to come later...




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