Sunday, February 27, 2011

Im Going to make "The Situation" look like Ward Cleaver.

I’ve had it with you mediocrity. We are finished. Our business is concluded. Warren! Show this asshole to the door. I’m cussing in this blog so stop reading here if you have gentle little bambi ears. I have found the most powerful motivator I’ve ever experienced in my life. You may or may not have heard of it. It's called REVENGE! Yeah. Revenge. Yes I am writing this and laughing out loud precisely like the laugh at the end of Thriller as stroke my devious ginger beard. Ahahahahahaha! I’ve had it. I don't have a degree. I don't have a doctorate; I don't have a clue but... As I sit here and write in my tighties and a towel around my neck and "lil Wayne" on the tube because I got way to excited to throw clothes on I am pondering my empire. In no way shape or form will I not own a minimum of 37 platinum chains. Weezy may think his was long but he will have nothing on my chain. I'll have 3 body guards walking with me at all times just to carry my chain that will extend 3 blocks long. My G6 will be equipped with the pilot that landed the plane in the Hudson and 100% notch piece flight attendants whose soul purpose in life is to make my flight as relaxing as possible. My limo is going to back into your Honda accord and I will not leave a note. I don't have insurance because I ate insurance and all the companies that offer it.

I buy into books like "the secret", "Think and grow rich", "the little red book of sales". I’ve read all these. You know what? They are true. The mind is a powerful force and too many Americans settle for mediocrity. I'm just saying we use what? 4 % of our brains ability? That's way not enough. If that's all I can use it's time to maximize it. Think and grow rich and get revenge is the title of my book. Napoleon Hill thank you for the inspiration. Reading about Thomas Edison's business partner and the kid with no ears (wtf) who made himself hear inspired me. Now I get revenge. Not just on anybody but the world. The world that has slept on me for 30 years. It's 2011 and I’m in no mood. I need more patent leather shoes and butlers in my life. Engage. This ship sailed today. If you missed the whistle I won't see you at the next stop. Close the door Warren.


  1. That was meant to be aggressive. not sure if you caught that.

  2. Dude, is that herbal life crack still going? You are for sure on one. Party time, my friend?

  3. Gottta make moves bro. Gotta make moves.

  4. Do you want to party time my friend? My friend... Party time?


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